Đặt câu với từ "destabilize|destabilized|destabilizes|destabilizing"

1. The M.S. One is destabilized.

2. The ship's core is destabilizing.

3. The portal is destabilizing.

4. The whole Pacific plate is destabilizing.

5. They uncovered a plot to destabilize the government.

6. The shuttle causes a destabilized warp-field.

7. Further increases in imports could destabilize the economy.

8. The contrast sets up a shimmer that destabilizes the solidity of the subject.

9. Terrorist attacks were threatening to destabilize the government.

10. Apparently the CIA acted to destabilize Communist governments.

11. The destabilizing effects of hunger are known throughout human history.

12. CredIt'subsidies contributed to inflation and helped destabilize the overall economy.

13. 18 Apparently the CIA acted to destabilize Communist governments.

14. Their sole aim is to destabilize the Indian government.

15. At no time can the feed system destabilize an otherwise stable.

16. This proton accelerator destabilizes the atom... in this chamber here, then propels it...

17. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize,

18. He warned that the fighting in Lebanon could destabilize the Middle East.

19. The terrorists were planning acts of sabotage to destabilize the country.

20. Some Breakups are quick and painless, others gut-wrenching and destabilizing

21. It is shown that the recently proposed electrostatic ballooning formulation in tokamak geometry absolutely destabilizes electrostatic drift waves (universal instability), and also further destabilizes the magnetohydrodynamic ballooning instability (finite ion Larmor-radius destabilization).

22. This destabilizing effect is not possible when X has a meta orientation.

23. And it can easily be so strong it will actually destabilize income.

24. Terrorist attacks on senior officials were threatening to destabilize the government.

25. Washington considers Mr. Chavez to be a destabilizing element in Latin America.

26. They can go over complex terrain like grass, no problem, and not get destabilized.

27. Loss of Acinus function destabilizes early endosomes, thereby promoting the delivery of their cargo to lysosomes.

28. The Register could help to prevent an excessive and destabilizing accumulation of arms.

29. The Register could help to prevent an excessive and destabilizing accumulation of arms

30. The Register plays an important confidence-building role by discouraging excessive and destabilizing accumulation of arms

31. Until 1934, lack of food and the outbreak of diseases started to destabilize the Gulag system.

32. They have been identified as the destabilized ion acoustic mode suffering little ion Landau damping even when .

33. Western experts view much of terrorism as another weapon being used to destabilize the capitalist system.

34. Criminality and partisan activities continued to be a major destabilizing factor affecting the overall situation

35. Of course, this by no means exhausts the list of destabilizing advances in military technology.

36. Coagulation and Rapid Mixing Coagulation is the process by which particles become destabilized and begin to clump together

37. The Register plays an important confidence-building role by discouraging excessive and destabilizing accumulation of arms.

38. A new cycle of chain reactions could destabilize the system of people who use, provide and pay for health care.

39. * The politics of terror and radicalization to destabilize society is not the monopoly of non-state actors.

40. 25 Negative Richardson number corresponds to a destabilizing density gradient; both shear and buoyancy give rise to turbulence generation.

41. While most humans struggle to maintain a sense of psychological unity, Contradictions produce destabilizing breaches in the self

42. In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit-guarantee schemes that destabilize banks elsewhere.

43. as crucial instruments in countering the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons,

44. The regulation of the derivatives market for commodities should be accordingly strengthened to prevent activities capable of destabilizing markets.

45. 26 Negative Richardson number corresponds to a destabilizing density gradient; both shear and buoyancy give rise to turbulence generation.

46. It could be the most destabilizing element imaginable, and it appeared to be a possibility in any number of countries.

47. In Europe too, floods of immigrants from the Middle Eastern wars have destabilized governments and resulted in Balkanizations such as Brexit …

48. The data above shows that Aminated, silica coated nanoparticles are colloidally destabilized at the lowest salt concentration tested, 5 mM NaCl

49. The Register provides data on international transfers of those categories of conventional arms which are potentially destabilizing when accumulated excessively

50. Suharto learned that the riots were engineered by Sumitro to destabilize the regime, resulting in Sumitro's dismissal and forced retirement.

51. Numerous initiatives have been adopted nationally, regionally and multilaterally with a view to countering illicit arms traffic and the destabilizing accumulation of weapons:

52. "It's dangerous, " Teal said, pulling one of Baldan's hands from the wall. "Praxis is destabilized. You might not be able to re-form..."

53. They have wings for flying when they get warm, but they use those same wings to flip over if they get destabilized.

54. 12 Antibacterial soaps kill, well, bacteria—often with this broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, which inhibits fatty acid synthesis. In higher concentrations, it destabilizes bacterial cell walls.

55. Clathrates are a form of crystalline water ice that can trap gas molecules inside their structure, effectively sequestering it until the ice is destabilized by heat or force

56. It should be in the public interest to help avoid sudden reversals of risk appetite among financial intermediaries and investors, which have at times proven to be destabilizing.

57. An influential part of the Athenian press started attacking the Pallis translation, labeling its supporters “atheists,” “traitors,” and “agents of foreign powers” who were bent on destabilizing Greek society.

58. Since the lower regions of the cable are moving slower than the higher ones, a rising car will lag behind the orbiting anchor, causing a drag on the cable that could destabilize the entire assembly.

59. We encourage UNMIK and the Special Representative to pursue a consistent policy against destabilizing forces and criminal elements and for establishing the rule of law as the social foundation of Kosovo

60. Colloids are 1 nm to 1 µm particles that usually become destabilized in estuaries due to rapid changes in salinity, resulting in aggregation that brings them into the traditional particle size range

61. And so we see an opportunity to counter and address Iran’s nuclear and proliferation threats, its destabilizing activity, and to create a better nonproliferation and deterrence architecture for Iran and the region.

62. In the statement meant for Congress he said: "While I favor tough measures to punish and deter aggressive and destabilizing behavior by Iran, North Korea, and Russia, this legislation is significantly flawed.

63. In addition to countering Russia’s malign cyber activity, Treasury continues to pressure Russia for its ongoing efforts to destabilize Ukraine, occupy Crimea, meddle in elections, as well as for its endemic corruption and human rights abuses.

64. Postmodern philosophers such as Derrida take negative theology and the Apophatic move as a way of completely destabilizing all language, which in turn leads one into a nihilistic framework, away from being able to

65. We’ll continue to work with allies to counter the regime’s destabilizing activities in the region, block their financing of terror, and address Iran’s proliferation of missiles and other advanced weapons systems that threaten peace and stability.

66. Besides misusing carrots and sticks, Autocrats can discredit themselves through domestic policy failures—destabilizing the economy, hiking food prices, tolerating extreme corruption, and so on (for such policies to be a mistake, a superior alternative must have been feasible)

67. ‘The modern, more Commercialized Christmas began to emerge in the 19 th century with the new custom of purchasing gifts for young children.’ ‘Such changes towards a Commercialized society destabilized Scottish society, leading to support for the Stuart pretender across the seas in France.’

68. These sanctions are in addition to other ongoing efforts by Treasury to address destabilizing activity emanating from within Russia, including our sanctioning of Russians targeted for activities related to the North Korea sanctions program, the Global Magnitsky program, and the Sergei Magnitsky Act.

69. ‘David Beaver had meanwhile gone beyond this, citing a complete Coordinative listing of the 230 members of a high school graduating class.’ ‘A large section of the economics profession concluded that government fine-tuning did more to destabilize the economy than to provide positive Coordinative …

70. Today’s action counters Russia’s continuing destabilizing activities, ranging from interference in the 2016 U.S. election to conducting destructive cyber-attacks, including the NotPetya attack, a cyber-attack attributed to the Russian military on February 15, 2018 in statements released by the White House and the British Government.

71. Creeps On A Mission “It has become apparent that we are dealing with not only ‘mission creep’ by Robert Mueller, but with ‘a case of Creeps on a mission — to destabilize and destroy this President.’” — Sidney Powell, former federal prosecutor and author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice

72. But also, if we see areas of concern, we’ll engage with our friends and partners on ways that we believe they can help put the pressure on Iran to push back on the destabilizing activities of Iran that I think are of a concern to many in the world.

73. Tonya Foster takes on the question of form itself in “Touching Authenticities” by deconstructing the essay, which strikes me as a necessary gesture given that she is tending to the question of the “authentic.” The world of the “natural” is laid bare, interrogated, and destabilized in Foster’s piece, as is “origin,” which begs